Wednesday, May 6, 2020

We Are Broken And Need Jesus - 1614 Words

In our brokenness it is difficult to admit that we are even broken and need Jesus. Some never get to the point where they identify that they need God, but the do often identify that the need some sort of help. I believe that it is important for us to confess our sins and wrong doings. It helps clear the conscious of what we have done that is bad and brings to light that we are broken and not perfect in this fallen world. This is one of the hardest things is not only confess that we are sinful in nature. To go along with confession of sin, it is difficult to offer forgiveness to those who have sinned against us. Those who have sinned against us have hurt us, sometimes physically but always emotionally. These wounds are hard to heal but can only be done through forgiveness. I can understand the importance of forgiveness and letting go of the hatred in our hearts, but personally living out these words and actions have been difficult for me. I have the desire to let go of transgressions that others have placed upon me, but actually following through is harder to live up to. I believe that it is easier to ask other for forgiveness than offering it to others forgiveness is the only way to emotionally move on from that particular time of pain. Through forgiveness we not only set our transgressors free from their sins, but we set ourselves free of the pain. Forgiveness and confession greatly impacts me in the way I conduct social work. I have seen the importance of forgiveness andShow MoreRelatedBad Atonement Theology And Broken Justice Systems1583 Words   |  7 PagesThe Broken Cross; Bad Atonement Theology and Broken Justice Systems Introduction As we move through Holy Week, the journey of Lent leads Christians to not simply commemorate Jesus suffering on the cross, but engage the paschal event on every level of our experiences. 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