Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effective Utilization of Business Communication-Free-Samples

Question: Explains the Concept of Business Communication and its Importance in the Success of a Business. Answer: Introduction: Business communication refers to the sharing of information among the people within as well as outside the organization that is basically carried out for the benefit of an organization. In other words, business communication is the method of managing, administering and communicating with the employees for achieving the goals of an organization. It involves customer relations, employee engagement, interpersonal communication, marketing, management of reputation and event management (Kaul, 2014). Business communication is essential for the success of any business as good communication helps in building teams and it enables the leaders to communicate efficiently with his subordinates. Business communication enables sharing of information among the organizations employees that indirectly increases the productivity of the company. Business communication causes organizations to make solid association with the clients and oblige their requirements better. The organizations impart vital data like their benefits, share costs and product offerings with the help of business communication (Cornelissen Cornelissen, 2017). The group pioneers and departmental chiefs impart the imperative business choices and speak with their subordinates to obtain their cooperation. This sets up a communication channel, which implements participation and coordinated effort among the colleagues. This propels the colleagues to perform higher which at last enables the associations in accomplishing both short and long haul targets. In this way, communication is very useful in order to rouse the organizational groups and accomplish their future business target (Jin, Liu Austin, 2014). Business communication enables the organizations to inform the public about their new products and pricing strategies, which helps the customers to be aware about the products and services offered by the organizations. In this way, business communication really encourages the organizations to clear route for future profits. It can likewise be brought up that business communication encourages the organizations to manage the focused market (Hollensen, 2015). The report compares the effective utilization of business communication between the two popular automotive companies namely Ford and Toyota. The report states Ford as the company that has efficiently utilized several channels of communications to enhance its marketing efforts. On the contrary, Toyota has been stated as the company that has suffered due to poor business communication. The report states the importance of business communication and its role in the success or failure of a company. Ford has become a leading brand in the automobile industry by efficiently utilizing social media into its promotional activities as well as in its organizational culture. Ford has been recognized as one of the most influential and followed brand over internet. However, Toyota has faced severe consequences as a result of communication problems. A major issue faced by Toyota was the massive recall in the year 2010 when the issues related to the defects in floor mats, brakes and acceleration pedal s came into limelight. An excellent business: Ford Ford is an American company that was founded in the year 1903 by Henry Ford. The companys core business is car manufacturing and it stands at the fifth position among the top automobile companies in the world. The company visions to become the best consumer company globally for providing automotive products and services. The company has implemented a one plan that aims at developing its products on the basis of customer preferences by concentrating on one team that brings together the employees, customers, community, dealers, suppliers, investors and Unions for the achievement of common objectives ("Home", 2017). Ford has broadly utilized online networking in promoting methodologies. The organization has its own blog in particular "The Ford Story". The organization demonstrates the remarks of the readers on the front page of the site at whatever points the organization includes another post. Ford utilizes different inventive thoughts in applying most recent innovation in their cars and it passes on its developments to the clients by effectively including them in the communication procedure. The organization draws in the consideration of the clients by transferring appealing pictures of its cars over online networking. The organization additionally urges the clients to give their thoughts to the change in the cars. Ford has coordinated online networking into its showcasing techniques keeping in mind the end goal to build up great relations with its clients by dynamic communication with the clients (Fletcher, 2016). Ford has offered free personal computers to its employees in order to communicate efficiently with them over the internet and stay connected with them easily. All the information are provided to the employees over internet that saves time an d cost. Ford uses intranet to communicate with its employees who are located in different countries. However, the communication here is generally one-way communication wherein the Fords boss replies to the several mails. Ford also runs chat rooms wherein the workers can freely ask questions to the experts and analysts live over the companys intranet (Aral, Dellarocas Godes, 2013). Ford has also realized the importance of introducing their dealers on the social media platform. Ford has implemented a program namely Ford Direct that allows the dealers to have a look at the inventory and reputation management of the organization. Ford believes that the advancements in the communication technologies shall redefine corporate behavior. The company believes that business communication shall encourage coordination and team- working. Ford has also successfully established effective communication with its customers through its website. The company actively interacts with its customers on a regular basis via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The company has its own help service known as Ford Service Handle through which the company handles the customer service issues and complaints. This indicates efficient use of business communication by Ford. A poor business: Toyota Toyota is a Japanese automotive company that was founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda. Toyota stands among the best automotive companies in the world. The company has used utilized several print medias, social media and television advertisements in order to promote its products. However, several reports have shown the weakness in the crisis management system of the company, which is a result of its faulty communication ("TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE" 2017). The communication model followed by Toyota Motor Corporation involves both upward and downward communication patterns. The communication model enables the employees to share their thoughts, ideas, feelings and information. The several modes of communication used by the company includes e-mail, direct face-to-face communication, telephones, text messages, newsletters and memos. The company has clearly defined the skills required for being an employee of the company that makes internal communication more effective. The downward communication involves flow of information and orders from the top-level executives to their subordinates whereas the upward communication generally involves employee feedbacks. The feedbacks are obtained via oral and written form in the meetings held. Toyota engages its employees using an efficient internal communication system that enables them to perform well. When the top management comes across some communication failure, it immediately organizes meetings i n order to solve the issues (Tennert, 2014). However, the company faced a massive recall as a result of its poor business communication. Toyota witnessed a massive recall in the year 2010, which was a result of floor mat issue and accelerator pedal issue. Several analysts have stated that there had been delays in the identification of the problems due to improper internal communication. The companys crisis management team miserably failed to address the issues within time and there was absence of proper communication in its internal processes as well as with the customers. The company was penalized because of having failed to identify the internal problems for more than a duration of four months (Fan, Geddes Flory, 2013). However, these internal issues became big communication issue. The problem could be resolved at the point of arrival but lack of proper internal communication led to this massive recall. The market nowadays responds actively to the media wherein transparency, accountability and proper communication have becom e more essential than mere position of a company. Business communication has the power to destroy a well-known company and also has the power to make a new venture successful. Toyota failed to communicate properly with its customers and media due to which several rumors had spread about the inferior quality of Toyota cars. Initially the company did not even accept its fault that was an additional communication issue. Later on, when the company accepted its fault, it was too late as the brand position of the company was harmed beyond repair (Choi Chung, 2013). Communication is the soul of marketplace. The customers tend to accept the problematic products of a company if the company informs the customers about such issues. This helps in building a relation of trust and confidence among the customers and the companies. On the contrary, if a company hides its faults and misleads its customers, the relationship between the customers and the companies tend to break (Hsu Lawrence, 2016). Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that communication is an integral part of an organization. Efficiency in both internal and external communication is highly important to achieve the goals and objectives successfully. Proper business communication helps in preventing and resolving conflicts both within and outside an organization. Business communication has the power to destroy a well-known company and also has the power to make a new venture successful. Business communication is essential for the success of any business as good communication helps in building teams and it enables the leaders to communicate efficiently with his subordinates. Business communication enables sharing of information among the organizations employees that indirectly increases the productivity of the company. Business communication causes organizations to make solid association with the clients and oblige their requirements better. The organizations impart vital data like their benefits, share costs and produc t offerings with the help of business communication. The report showed the consequences faced by Toyota as a result of improper business communication while on the other hand, the success of Ford due to its efficient communication system. Therefore, it can be stated that Ford has become a leading brand in the automobile industry by efficiently utilizing social media into its promotional activities as well as in its organizational culture. Ford has been recognized as one of the most influential and followed brand over internet. However, Toyota has faced severe consequences as a result of communication problems. References: Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., Godes, D. (2013). Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research.Information Systems Research,24(1), 3-13. Choi, J., Chung, W. (2013). Analysis of the interactive relationship between apology and product involvement in crisis communication: An experimental study on the Toyota recall crisis.Journal of Business and Technical Communication,27(1), 3-31. Cornelissen, J., Cornelissen, J. P. (2017).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Fan, D., Geddes, D., Flory, F. (2013). The Toyota recall crisis: Media impact on Toyota's corporate brand reputation.Corporate Reputation Review,16(2), 99-117. Fletcher, F. (2016).Solutions: Business Problem Solving. Routledge. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Home. (2017).Ford Corporate. Retrieved 17 June 2017, from Hsu, L., Lawrence, B. (2016). The role of social media and brand equity during a product recall crisis: A shareholder value perspective.International journal of research in marketing,33(1), 59-77. Jin, Y., Liu, B. F., Austin, L. L. (2014). Examining the role of social media in effective crisis management: The effects of crisis origin, information form, and source on publics crisis responses.Communication research,41(1), 74-94. Kaul, A. (2014).Effective business communication. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Tennert, F. (2014). An attributional analysis of corporate reporting in crisis situations: The 2010 Toyota recall.Journal of Communication Management,18(4), 422-435. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE. (2017). TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE. Retrieved 17 June 2017, from

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