Sunday, December 22, 2019

Collaborative Strategic Reading and Reciprocal Teaching Essay

In Elementary School, there are many children that tend not to pay attention when teachers are giving the reading lessons so teachers argue with them without figuring out the precise reasons for that behavior. As teachers, we need to develop the abilities to catch up when children have any kind of learning problems, in this case a reading disability. If the reading disability is not detected at an early time, many children would probably be affected for the rest of their lives as adults. The reading process has the power that benefits millions of children around the world to increase awareness of the things that happen in our world and prepare them with a great foundation for academic excellence. The reading process is valuable for our†¦show more content†¦This program addresses the fundamental skill of phonemic awareness, blending, segmenting and letter-sounds for children from four years old through adulthood. It builds sound knowledge in the reading development proce ss. According to Endress and Weston (2007) the method of the experiment was prepared in a wide range of student age groups in a rural public school setting. The program was completed in Washington State with 193 students in grades K through 12. This program emphasized phonemic awareness, decoding skills through segmenting, blending and sound manipulation, and alphabetic code knowledge. Phono-Graphix emphasized an explicit instruction model whereby the instructor initially modeled the desired skill, and then the instructor and students practiced together, follow by students practicing independently. This program consisted of 40 lessons and was delivered over an 8-week period, resulting in improvement for students in phonemic awareness as well as reading fluency in the grade K-4 elementary group. The upper elementary group (grades 5-12) indicated that not only did students’ fundamental phonemic awareness skills of blending and segmenting improve, but also their overall ski lls in comprehending printed materials increased (Endress Weston, 2007, p. 14-15). Collaborative reading interventions help students to work together to improve readingShow MoreRelatedWhich Comprehension Strategies Are Most Effective?1907 Words   |  8 PagesWhat is reading comprehension? Comprehension is the â€Å"process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with the written language† (Snow, 2002, p.11). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Shakespeare Festival Free Essays

I have decided to assess Amanda Hussein’s interpretation of Shakespearean well- known King Lear. Amanda transported the tragedy of this play from the eighth century before Christ, to the sass in a world where the show and performing is everything. This King Lear was introduced in a Chicago style with two actresses walking down the theatre stairs and presenting England’s king. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespeare Festival or any similar topic only for you Order Now This roaring entrance shifted the audience back In time to the correct time setting, making It clear from then and onwards where this play was set. In an unknown location In the sass, King Lear (magnetically portrayed by Alluding) is deciding on which of his three daughters should have his land: Cornelia, Goner† and Reagan. The last two, are the real antagonists of the play, and when their father asks them how much they love him, they falsely herald their love for him. Cornelia, who in truth is the only daughter who truly loves him, hardly speaks explaining that there are no words to explain how she feels about his father. King Lear though breaks Into a rage and sends her away, thinking he now understands who deserves his lands. We then see a subplot, which assn very clear as I had difficulties connecting the dots of the two plots. Two men, whose identities I still haven’t figured out, try to conspire against Gloucester and try to take his place. The play keeps jumping from one side of the plot to the other, where we see the two evil sisters Goner† and Reagan making their plans. As time passes, Cornelia keeps being loyal to both King Lear and her mean sisters, forgiving them all. The actual plot wasn’t easy to grasp by the audience, as the audience most of the time was positively struck by the clear but extremely effective staging and the convincing acting. The stage was set out in a way that as soon as you entered the theatre, you immediately wondered what was going to happen, and knew that you were about to see something very unusual. The curtains were only partially open, leaving a space of about 5 meters which made all members of the audience focus on what was going on. This was obviously thought of and had a successful Impact on the spectators who directed their eyes where everything was happening. On the floor, three colored drapes were carefully lying parallel to the stage: magenta, blue and green. These, other than the lights, were the only colored items on stage as the actors were all wearing black suits with white shirts, with the exception of King Lear, who wore a black fedora hat. The costumes perfectly mirrored the time period, and the fedora hat, typical of the sass, was one of the many gems of this play which made It as a whole, amazing. Eight black stools were set In three rows on the drapes and near these stools is where all the acting was going to happen. The middle stool was of course reserved to King Lear. In the front row, on the sides, there were the two sisters General and Reagan, whilst in the last row, right behind Lear, there was the innocent Cornelia. On the left and right of the set, two girls and two boys stood, making the pattern pleasing to the audience. Manta’s set out of the stools was very effective, because since we are In theatre, the presence of all actors on stage, which, without a doubt, made this interpretation of Shakespearean King Lear fascinating, was the use of lighting and freeze-frames. The lights were one of the main characters as they were always used. More than this, they were matching the three drapes on the floor which made it also aesthetically pleasing to the audience’s eye. Since the setting of the stage was very minimalist, lights helped the audience understand what was going on, where something was happening, and highlighted the actors’ emotions. For example, the use of green light when General and Reagan, the two mean sisters, were conspiring, gave importance to their feeling of new and wickedness. Also, the use of Strobe lights in one of the final scenes where King Lear becomes mad, really drew special attention to his feelings and stressed this scenario of chaos. Not only this, but the use of Strobe lights, which was undoubtedly thought f, directly included the audience which felt in the same situation of discomfort as King Lear himself. Depending so much on lights, this play had no need of special sound effects, and in fact had none. As I said, freeze-frames were abundantly (and correctly) used in the play. Amanda, thanks to the layout of the stage, afforded to have all actors on stage at all times. What happened was that when an actor had to deliver his or her lines, he or she had the freedom of using the space on the stage however they thought was appropriate (although it was clear that the director did her bob in keeping everyone where they were supposed to be). If the actors didn’t happen to be in the scene that was going on at the moment, they would by frozen standing in front of the stool, heads down, hands held in front of them, silent. The only exception went for King Lear who sat with his head in his hand, giving to the audience a constant message of desperation and confusion which I thought was brilliant. On certain occasions though, the changing of the scene made them move. All of the actors would simultaneously walk around their stool once, grab the stool, and in reflect unison noisily place it on the ground to sit on it. Not only the unanimity of the eight actors left the theatre speechless, but the moment the stools touched the ground, the lights would change color, making this perfectly synchronized scene change sudden, but expected at the same time. All of these techniques made the actors who weren’t part of the scene disappear, and made us focus on the actors acting. All actors did an outstanding Job performing this version of King Lear. Since everything was very minimalist and brought in an unknown location, it was vitally important that the actors gave the play the depth it deserved. I honestly believe that Amanda did a fantastic Job in directing everything, because you could really feel the effort that she put into every second and line of the play. Positions, lights, costumes, and acting was very well thought of, and it was clear when they all performed that all the details counted. The characters and actors which stood out the most, out of the eight, were the three sisters and King Lear. Cornelia was interpreted by Aviators, who never stepped out of character, and although had to portray a shy personality, she engaged to be heard by everyone in the audience. Her body language, as well as the other two sisters’, was coherent to what she was saying and feeling from the very first scene when she â€Å"expressed† her love to her father, to the very last. General and Reagan were interpreted by Lucia and Sofia. The two actresses created a very strong bond between the two of them, and with the audience. Their acting, I feel, was very Lucia and Sofia moved around the stage, gave a clear understanding that they fully felt what their characters were experiencing, as their emotions of envy, Jealousness and wickedness contaminated the stage. Last, but without a doubt not least, is Ludicrous performance of King Lear. I strongly believe that his whole rendition was, as I already said, magnetic. When he was talking using that deep voice he gave to his King Lear, all eyes were fixed on him and every word he said, he filled it with a deepness which the other actors honestly lacked. Ludicrous acting was charismatic, and touched everyone. One of the last scenes, when King Lear becomes mad, his body language and voice tone gave me goose bumps. This though, wasn’t only because of his acting, but also due to the fact that Amanda had the brilliant idea to rate a sound blanket during the scene where Lear is going crazy, and all the actors slowly approach him chanting louder and louder â€Å"die! Ii! Die! â€Å". This, together with the acting, and the Strobe lights, is one of the scenes which made this play so unforgettable to me. I was completely hypnotized by the end of it, and it took me a while to come back in the real world as the whole play was fixed in my head and Just didn’t want to come out. Amanda indeed managed to communicate throughout her directing many e motions to me, and to the rest of the audience. How to cite Shakespeare Festival, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Holistic Development and Wellbeing of the Child

Question: Discuss about the Report for Holistic Development and Wellbeing of the Child. Answer: 1: In case of Tamryn who is just 9 months old, it is seen that both of her parents are working six days per week. That is the reason that they are unable to look after their child and have appointed a caregiver named Kim. Therefore, all her interests are centered to Kim. She has developed skills and abilities that helps her to call for Kim when she is not present in the room. She is so much depended on Kim that she does not even respond to other educators. From the case study of Kim, it is clear that she is experiencing a troubled childhood as her parents are separated. Therefore, she lives in shared care between her mother and father. In each of these places, the environment is different as in her mothers house she lives with her mother only and in her parents house she lives with people who are totally unknown to her. This change in living environment has put frustration into her, which is quite visible when she takes her breakfast. She was also often found shouting and even biting or pushing others, which clearly shows her unstable mental condition. As she is also living with unknown children, aged between 6-16 years it can be assumed that she is facing harassment. The reason behind this assumption is developed from her reaction she gives while someone approaches to her when she is playing with dolls. She is found happy only when playing with dolls; however, she is also found to hide the dolls when someone approaches. In the case of James, it is clearly seen that he possesses a unique skill of leadership that helps him to lead other children in the education center. He and his family is actively connected with sports such as football, basketball and swimming therefore, he has has good knowledge on how sports activates must be lined with each other. As result of joining training sessions, he is also physically strong. Another important skill that is shown in him is his willingness to hel others. 2: In case of Tamryn, not much emotional and psychological development is seen because of age. However, one thing is noticeable that she is too much dependent on Kim, which might cause problems for her parents in the future. From the case of Mia, it is found that she is mentally disturbed and is undergoing a state of frustration and disappointment. Her emotional state is also not acceptable as most of the she is found shouting on others. It is also assumed that she is experiencing some sort of harassment in her fathers house, which has injected a fear in her mind that people will take away her things from her. James is boy who possesses a huge amount of positive energy and leadership qualities in him. He leads the group of other children in the educational enters while ding any activity by providing relevant suggestions. As he is getting regular training with his parents and brothers in training venues he is also physically superior than other children. 3: The best two ways to implement self-help skills and independence among the children are, Self-feeding: According to Orth (2012), children must be encouraged to practice feeding themselves from childhood on. Allow the children to be as free as possible at the time of meals. Put the required tools nearby so that they can help themselves. The tools must be colorful and attractive which will allure the children to use them. However, with encouraging, proper support and guidance is also required. Free dressing and grooming: Another process of increasing self-help skills is to allow the children to dress and groom by themselves. Parents will provide minimum assistance by teaching them to pull socks on and off, pull up pants after diapering and help put their arms through sleeves (Viljaranta et al. 2015). 4: It is highly important to develop self-esteem among the three children mentioned in the case studies. However, in the case of James, he is already becoming a person who will be capable of leading a team with immense success. However, for Tmryn and especially Mia it is important to follow the below steps so that she can gain self-esteem, It is important to show love and acceptance to these children by spending some time with them. This must come from the parents or family members (Baroody and Dowker 2013). It is important to become a role model to show the children the meaning of loving yourself. It is also necessary to teach them the benefits of trying new things and accepting challenges (Hetherington and Arasteh 2014). Encourage the children to help family members in different activities and show them that the family members are feeling happy after receiving the help. Allow the children to solve their problems by implementing different styles. This will help them to understand that they are responsible for their own lives. 5: The learning and development plan for the children plays a great role in respect of cognitive development of any individual. According to the Early Years Foundations Stage the childrens learning and development plan has several major areas. The prime three of these areas are development in relation with personal, social, emotional, physical, communication and language (Hedegaard 2012). The specific four of these areas are development of literacy, mathematical skills as well as arts and designs. In order to manage the learning and development plan of the children the educator must follow all the above areas in a sequential order. The educator must consider the early experiences in order to approach the learning and development plan of any children (Lillard et al. 2013). It is also the prime focus of learning and development plan to maintain the secure relationships. The educator must approach in a flexible manner as the children tend to learn in different ways. 6: The communication is the most important part of any human being. Therefore, the educator must focus on the developing eagerness to communicate within the children by providing positive and safe environment (McDonald et al. 2013). In order to develop the environment it is necessary to foster a sense of belonging to the children of the case study. Generating the positive self esteem to the children will effectively assist them to communicate freely. In addition, the educator must keep in mind to provide the suitable opportunity for the interaction. The educators must create an open-ended period for three children of the case study (McManis and Gunnewig 2012). The daily routine of play time also helps the children to be comfortable to express themselves. The less intervention of the adults in the play time will also enhance the environment. In addition to that, the educators must encourage the case studys children to work in their own accord which will in turn increases the confidence a nd allow them to express more freely. 7: The Early Years Learning Framework suggests several outcomes which strongly link with my experiences as well as practices. James has exhibited a strong sense of confidence as well as wellbeing. Moreover, he is extremely well communicator in respect of relaying the experiences of the weekend training program. James has also expressed extreme leadership quality at the time of playing time (Pugh and Duffy 2013). In addition to that, James has been observed that he is quite well connected with the world. The most encouraging practices which have been used with James are encouraging him to communicate with other children. Moreover, he is allowed to take his own path in respect of learning and development context. Therefore, the identified outcomes are James has strong sense of identity James is well connected with the world James is confident and involved learner James is effective communicator 8: There are several major quality standards which are highly linked with the experiences as well as practices. These quality standards are Ensuring the safety, wellbeing as well as health of children Focusing on achieving outcomes for children Distinguishing the service quality through families understanding According to the experience the children of the case study are nurtured with utmost care to provide the necessary sense of safety and care. These practices are also entailed to ensure the wellbeing and health of the children. The educator is highly focused for protecting the children from injury, harm as well as infection (Harms et al. 2014). The high quality education program is also vital factor for the achievement of outcome. The education program is generally based on the stimulated, engaged as well as enhanced learning as well as development framework of three children of the case study. Reference List: Baroody, A.J. and Dowker, A. eds., 2013.The development of arithmetic concepts and skills: Constructive adaptive expertise. Routledge. Abington. Harms, T., Clifford, R.M. and Cryer, D., 2014.Early childhood environment rating scale. Teachers College Press. Hedegaard, M., 2012. Analyzing children's learning and development in everyday settings from a cultural-historical wholeness approach.Mind, Culture, and Activity,19(2), pp.127-138. Hetherington, E.M. and Arasteh, J.D., 2014.Impact of Divorce, Single Parenting and Stepparenting on Children: A Case Study of Visual Agnosia. Psychology Press. Abington. Lillard, A.S., Lerner, M.D., Hopkins, E.J., Dore, R.A., Smith, E.D. and Palmquist, C.M., 2013. The impact of pretend play on children's development: A review of the evidence.Psychological bulletin,139(1), p.1. McDonald, M., Kazemi, E. and Kavanagh, S.S., 2013. Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education a call for a common language and collective activity.Journal of Teacher Education,64(5), pp.378-386. McManis, L.D. and Gunnewig, S.B., 2012. Finding the education in educational technology with early learners.YC Young Children,67(3), p.14. Orth, U., Robins, R.W. and Widaman, K.F., 2012. Life-span development of self-esteem and its effects on important life outcomes.Journal of personality and social psychology,102(6), p.1271. Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. eds., 2013.Contemporary issues in the early years. Sage. Viljaranta, J., Aunola, K., Mullola, S., Virkkala, J., Hirvonen, R., Pakarinen, E. and Nurmi, J.E., 2015. Children's temperament and academic skill development during first grade: teachers' interaction styles as mediators.Child development,86(4), pp.1191-1209.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Formality Of Baking Essay Example For Students

The Formality Of Baking Essay The Formality Of Baking Baking is a method that requires meticulous concentrating which can be joyous as well as frustrating. In order to understand baking it is necessary to grasp the basics. To understand the basics is practicing and conditioning yourself the proper methods of doing so. One of the easiest dough to assemble is the straight dough method, which is a combination of water, yeast, sugar, milk solids, butter and salt. The salt is added last because it inhibits the growth of the yeast. All of the ingredients are mixed in a mixing bowl(Gisslen, p68, ch4). The straight dough method is a starter point to making dough. There are many varieties to dough that require different attention. Lean dough requires a lesser amount of fat and sugar and therefore it is the leanest of all bread products. The types of breads that have fewer amounts of fat and sugar are French, Italian, Kaiser rolls, and pizza bread(Gisslen, p66, ch4). There are doughs with a higher fat content which provide a taster result. The short dough has a very high fat content. The short dough consist of having flour, sugar, and fat which makes the product such as a cookie or a pastry very crumbly and tender(, 5/24/2005). There are many people who love croissants and Danish pastrys. To make a croissants or Danish pastry there needs to be a rolled in fat dough method. The rolled in fat dough method is when fat is incorporated into the dough in many layers by using a rolling and folding procedure. By alternating the layers of fat and dough it gives the baked product a flaky texture(Gisslen, p66, ch4). Pies are a desert favorite. Making a pie depends on what kind of filling is used. A pie can have a Pumpkin, squash, even sweet potato filling. A pie that includes fruits such as apple or blueberries is best to consider the cooked juice method. The cooked juiced method is when the gel is made separately by cooking fruit juice, water, and sugar with starch. The gel is mixed i n with the fruit, this method is used when the fruit requires little or no cooking before filling(Gisslen, ch11, p243). Corn starch is important to cream pies because it sets up into a firm gel that holds its shape when sliced, also it may be used for fruit pies as well(Gisslen, p242, ch11). To make sure that a pie is stable it is wise to have mealy dough, mealy dough is when the fat is blended into the flour more thoroughly, until the mixture looks like cornmeal. The mealy dough is best used as a bottom crust to prevent sogginess(Gisslen, p235, ch11). To produce a cake that is editable a basic sponge method is useful. A sponge method is a basic cake batter that includes egg foam, egg yolks, sugar, and sifted flour folded in(Gisslen, p329, Ch14). If being fancy is your cup of tea a creaming method is wonderful, it begins with the blending of fat and sugar. It is used for cakes and cookies, very useful for products that have high fat and sugar content. Great for cakes(Gisslen, p326, ch14). To make a cake more appealing in texture, whipping cream can be added. Whipping cream has a high fat content of thirty to forty percent, the higher the fat content in the whipping cream the less likely it is to weep or separate into liquid and foam(Gisslen, p44, ch3). To have a taste of France making a Pate a choux would be ideal. Pate a choux means cabbage paste referring to cream puffs that look like little cabbages. It consist of water, milk, half water or milk, shortening, salt, bread flour, and eggs(Gisslen, p279, ch12). Making dough from scratch can be a tricky process. To make bread will include having flour. The best flour to use will be bread flour. Bread flour is also called wheat flour; since there are a variety of flours it is best to become knowledgeable of which flour is being used. Bread flour is slightly coarse when rubbed between the fingers, if it is squeezed into a lump in the hand it falls apart as .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .postImageUrl , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:hover , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:visited , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:active { border:0!important; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:active , .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6f6c687dccc3de126c3cee6e0a17e73d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: TITLE Essay Summary We will write a custom essay on The Formality Of Baking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing in the Electronic Age essays

Writing in the Electronic Age essays Although Lev Manovich presents several relevant issues in his essay, his work was utterly impossible to understand. After days of blank stares at incomprehensible words, I finally had a breakthrough. Could he be discussing databases in relation to our everyday lives and new media? That is exactly what he is saying, just in ten pages longer than it really had to be. In the first few dozen pages of his work, Manovich discusses narrative style. Narrative style tends to be a linear, or chronological, way of explaining an event or process. Typically this is done orally in the form of a story. Narrative style is syntagmatic, or following a natural order. The story is easy to understand and normally is arranged chronologically. For example, when someone is describing their day, they would explain the highlights in chronological order using narrative style. Another way Manovich thinks we present information is by the use of database. He defines databases as a structured collection of data. Databases can be linear or non-linear. Simply put they are files of information stored in a computer. The information is easily retrievable, but is not in chronological order. Instead it is situated using paradegmatic form, which is organization into natural categories. For example, if a database were used to organize my life story, there would be individual files for my birth, childhood, public schooling, and college. Of course more would be added as my life went on. There are few similarities between narrative and database forms. They both communicate to the reader, or viewer, with words or images and try to, as Lev Manovich states, "make meaning out of the world." Being competitors they tend to contrast each other in many aspects while fighting for dominance in the field. Narratives follow a certain order, usually linear, and have explainable reason behind that particular order. Databases have a random order, but all the individual files have so ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anthea and the Conert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Anthea and the Conert - Essay Example This is because, they were sighed up to perform at the Hamden Hall and just a few days before the concert each artist had a problem that apparently caused them not perform. In addition to that, Anthea had already paid these artists a 25% fee of the total amount of money that they were to receive and the rest was to be paid after they did actually perform at the concert, which they did not. Therefore, it is evidenced that Anthea was the only party that did duly perform her part in the contract while other performance artists did not. Therefore, by law, Anthea has the right to take legal action against the performance artists as they did not abide by their part of the contract. As a result, one of the claims that the Student Union is prone to get is a refund of their money from the performance artists as they took the money without attending to their call of performance. This case can be compared to the one of Cutter v Powell (1795). Powell promised Cutter that if he took the role as h is running mate, he would top him up with â€Å"a total of thirty guineas, provided he proceeds, continues and does his duty as second mate in the said ship from hence to the port of Liverpool. Unfortunately Cutter died at sea. His widow sued Powell to recover a proportionate part of her husband's wages on a quantum meruit for work and labour done by her husband during that part of the voyage that he lived and served Powell† (Legal Max, n.d.). Unfortunately, â€Å"payment was on condition that he worked the ship to Liverpool, since he did not fulfil this condition the widow was entitled to nothing† (E-Law Resources, n.d.). When compared to the case of Anthea and The Concert, it can be concluded that Anthea did fulfil her end of the contract by paying them the 25% initial fee. Since the performance artists did not perform then they are entitled to nothing. Bolton v Mahadeva  [1972] is another case that can be termed as similar to the Anthea and The concert case. In th is instance, â€Å"The claimant installed central heating in the defendant's home. The agreed contract price was ?560. The defendant was not happy with the work and refused to pay. Defects in the work amounted to ?174. The action by the claimant to enforce the payment failed since the court held there was no substantial performance† (E-Law Resources, n.d.). The comparison that can be deduced in this case is that, the plaintiff did install the heating system which had defects that amounted to an extra ?174. In addition to that the client had already incurred a total cost of up to ?560. Therefore, the plaintiff claimed that the balance should have been less the extra cost of ?174. When compared to the Anthea and The Concert claim, the performance artists would have come to the concert to perform but they would not have done it well due to the challenges that they were facing. With this case, one of the liabilities that the student council ought to be aware of is that despite th e fact that they did perform their duty by paying the 25% fee initially, they ought to have had an exception in the contract that would cater for such kinds of calamities. For example, they would have drafted a clause that would ensure that a party in the contract is only paid when they have performed their duties or obligations as part and parcel of the stated terms in the contract so as to avoid instances where they pay the artist and they do

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Housing and Kitchen Reform in the Post-War Era Research Paper

Housing and Kitchen Reform in the Post-War Era - Research Paper Example Political ideologies determined the kind of domestic life that people adopted. This paper will discuss how these ideologies affected the reform in architecture and design. Great Kitchen Debate The great kitchen debate happened in 1959 in a Moscow exhibition. The debate erupted as Nixon guided Khrushchev through the half kitchen in the exhibition1. After the Russian leader caught sight of the newest model of the American kitchen, he reacted in disregard of the capitalist luxury portrayed in the architectural design of the kitchen in the subject (Figure 1). Nixon tried to highlight the fact that the kitchen was a model that featured the essence of giving women easier work in the kitchen. In order to ascertain the logic behind the debate, there is a justification of examining architecture of the kitchen in question2. The Evolution of the Kitchen in America in the Post War Period After the Second World War, every American wanted to own a house. At this time, multiple slums offered inadeq uate space insufficient space. In a bid to solve this problem, modernism in architecture resulted. There proved to be a dire need of providing people with sufficiency and convenience in their houses. This need led to the innovation of architectural design. ... The process involved evolution of the kitchen architectural space into an organization that symbolized consumption and hygiene. According to the streamlining ideology, the kitchen adopted a linear sequence that had gained popularity in America’s industrial setting (Figure 2). The sequence was a symbol of the active flow of activity in the kitchen, analogous to the real picture in the industrial setting. The kitchen portrayed the highest reflection of the rampant technological advances during that period3. In addition, it served as a bookmark of the American values and consumer habits. The materials used in the kitchen floors, walls, and appliances were an indication of the latest innovations in the American society. Streamlining of the kitchen involved effective use of the available space. Usually, cabinets assumed a linear arrangement. In addition, architecture in the post war period had aspects of the ease with which Americans had started taking life. Architecture of the Pos t War Kitchen The post war kitchen had a sink beneath the window and consisted of inbuilt-wall to wall cabinets. The ‘kitchen work triangle ‘concept of designing a kitchen in the new era took its roots. The guidelines for designing an effective kitchen in the 1950s demanded that the door should have a door that presents the kitchen with a clear opening. In addition, the door should allow should not cause a distraction to the functioning of any of the appliances. The design and position of the inbuilt cabinets should leave free space for operations. The free space, commonly designated as the triangle working area, had set dimensions. In essence, the total distance travelled in the work area could not exceed 26† (Figure 3). The work triangle resulted from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Illustrate techniques that influence performance Essay

Illustrate techniques that influence performance - Essay Example These are personalities who like to be sensually animated and sexually roused. They regard eroticism as an abundant source of pleasure and prompt their romanticism through cuddling, tenderness and amorous care. They enjoy living one day at a time and prefer interruption to solemn work. These incoporate people motivated by Financial Incentive strive for a huge pay-off that comes as the fruit of their labor. They need to feel that their income and benefits equal the value of the time and energy they invest in their work. While it is a shared motivator, most people identify with high income earners, (those who do not want to work for peanuts), these individuals place more importance on remuneration than the average worker. This is not to say they are only after the big bucks; their main concern is having the money to afford a specific lifestyle that gives them the drive to succeed. They are willing to invest themselves, but will not do so without significant pay-off (Pandey, 2005). Apart from a desire to make an extremely high salary within a short time to feel happy upon employment, they would also want to see the long-term reward for the personal investment they put into their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jindal Steel Power Limited

Jindal Steel Power Limited Jindal Steel Power Limited Company Profile Jindal Steel Power Limited, part of the Jindal Organization, is one of the important steel producers of the country. Founded at Hisar, Haryana by industrialist O P Jindal, it is currently the third largest producer in India in terms of tonnage. It manufactures sponge iron, iron ore etc. as well as active in power generation. With revenue of about $1363.5 million last year, the company employs more than 15000 people throughout the world. The company has its headquarters in New Delhi and is presently headed and managed by Naveen Jindal, son of late O P Jindal. ( Decision making and analysis In the contemporary scenario, the success or breakdown of the business is closely associated with the class of decision making. Decision making at Jindal steel and power takes place at three levels * Corporate level: The decisions here generally concentrate on companys core competence, backward and forward integration, competitive advantages and manpower retention by employee empowerment. * Middle management: The decisions concern realization of goals set by the top management and to monitor the progress and make any mid course correction. * Operational management: Decisions related to product quality, delivery and after sales service to ensure customer satisfaction at all levels (internal as well as external). Strategic decision Cyclic industries like iron ore, steel or power are very susceptible to changes in government policies or in terms of availing new opportunities. Jindal management is in tune with such highly efficient strategic decision making. One such strategic decision taken by Jindal Steel and Power ltd. is discussed herein- â€Å"Jindal Steel and Power Limited has entered into a strategic alliance with Hydro Power development corporation of Arunachal Pradesh and the state government, to set up Subansiri Middle, a 1600 MW hydro electric power plant there (Asia Pulse, November 25,2009)†. The decision is considered strategic because- * This project will make them big enough in hydro electric power generation to eliminate any competition * There is a tremendous gap between supply and demand of power in India; this project will ensure returns which will never be affected adversely by any downturn in economy or political changes in the country. * Involves high degree of uncertainty and risk * Involves huge capital investment in the form of fixed assets and infrastructure Thus such decision is taken after undertaking extensive research and information analysis. Some of the important areas of research or information required before taking the decision are- * Information on the available alternatives to the decision; a critical and thorough analysis of the alternatives is required as huge investments are involved * Facts and information about the benefits or services being provided by the concerned state government like tax holidays, subsidies, land etc. (Arunachal Pradesh state government provides various incentives like Sales tax/VAT exemption up to 99% or low predetermined lease rents of land, ( * Local and national competitors in Arunachal Pradesh, as well as analysis of the target areas * Information on availability of raw materials, labor supply and transportation facilities in the state of Arunachal Pradesh; as well as the legal and operational costs involved in the setting up of the plant Tactical Decision A tactical decision taken by Jindal steel and power management is â€Å"declaring a dividend of 550% for the shareholders†. The decision was taken after the company reported more than two-fold growth in consolidated net profits ( The decision taken here is tactical as- * It is medium term; dividends for one fiscal year * the decision is not very frequent or repetitive * the company will build brand loyalty and retain loyal stakeholders * Quantitative information is available about companys financials Although these decisions are less risk prone and have medium term effects, still they need to be taken after thoroughly analyzing the available information. Information required by the Jindal management before declaring dividends is discussed below * Complete information about the companys financial performance and reports * Understanding of the companys financial ratios to maintain a balanced financial leverage and favorable debt-equity ratio * Information on the other viable alternatives where the profits could be invested, if dividends are not to be declared * Competitor dividend policies whether dividends are declared by rival companies in that particular quarter Operational decision The bottom line of Jindal group depends on the decisions taken at operational levels. The guiding principles of decision making are waste management, quality management, delivery management in the most cost effective way. Jindal steel and power decided to hire another local transport company for the purpose of delivery of their raw materials from the market to logistics/ factory unit or goods from factory to market. The decision here is regarded as operational due to the reasons mentioned below- * The decision involved here is immediate and involves lower costs * Is for a short period of time * Has limited scope for decision * The decision is repetitive and susceptible to frequent changes Such decisions are often based on computerized data, experience of the managers or locally available information. Some information requirements are * Information about the cost and time benefits/losses associated with the decision * Comparative analysis of the available options (transport companies in this case) Competitive Intelligence Information on strategic and tactical moves of competitors plays crucial role in survival or death of an organization. Jindal Steel and Power limited is no exception to this. At Jindal, management is aware of its competition and does whatever it takes to keep ahead of the competitors. The main competitors of Jindal Steel and Power limited are * Steel Authority Of India Limited * Tata Steel * Tata Power * MSP Steel and Power limited Some cases or situations where information on competitors decisions and policies may prove or proved quite useful are discussed below Recently, when Steel Authority of India Limited entered into an exclusive agreement with the Indian Railways for supplying products, Jindal Steel and Power aware of the decision and the consequences, filed a case with the Competition Commission of India against Indian Railways on the basis that the exclusive agreement would threaten the likelihood of competitors contending for the projects through competitive bids (Business Standard, November 9, 2009). In another instance, Jindal steel and power ltd. being aware of the fact that the demand for galvanized iron and steel is quite high in many areas of north India, have themselves planned to launch something on the lines of galvanized steel launched by Tata steel in July 2009 (India Business Insight, November 2009). Having information about the decision of Tata steel to launch a new form of galvanized steel will prove quite beneficial to Jindal steel as they can launch a better product than the competitors and thus ensure that there is no loss or damage to their market share for the product in North India. In a similar situation, information on MSP steel and powers expansion plans in Chhattisgarh ( is of utmost relevance to Jindal Steel and Power as it has a considerable market share in Chhattisgarh and MSP steel and powers expansion there might affect Jindals business and market share. Thus JSPL can take certain decisions and change/develop plans for their own expansion to make sure that there is no effect on their market share and they have a competitive edge over their competitors. Another instance where knowledge about competitors decisions and information proved quite beneficial to JSPL is regarding the setting up of a power plant in Arunachal Pradesh. Jindal Steel and Power, knowing about the plan of Reliance power to set up 1000 MW hydro electric power plant in Arunachal Pradesh (India Business Insight, 2009), formulated its own strategies and decisions accordingly, and decided to set up a hydro electric power plant with more power generation capacity before the establishment of Reliance Powers plant there. B2B Commerce Jindal Steel and Power Whatever the size of the business may be, B2B e-commerce undoubtedly adds value to its operations. Jindal group has kept itself abreast with the latest technology and launched a B2B portal for the steel sector. It has formed alliances with various service providers like and many others to provide a perfect environment for choosing and selecting new business associates for carrying out the transactions, not only for the companies under the Jindal group but the other firms in the steel sector as well. However in context of Jindal Steel and power, through this initiative, Jindal group intends to provide Jindal steel and power with an easy access to market functionaries: producers, distributors, suppliers etc and an electronic marketplace solution (Business Line, September 2000). This enables JSPL to ensure a continuous availability of raw materials whenever required to improve the efficiency level of operations and supply/distribution channels. B2B without any question offers variety of information on products, suppliers, product time and lead time, competitors, market share etc. and therefore besides the portal, Jindal management has developed an extensive system of B2B commerce or in other words, an online system providing suppliers all over the country the facility to register with the Jindal group and supply raw materials and other resources as and when required by the company. Jindal group already has a well established Enterprise Resource Planning and SAP mechanism, and B2B is just another leap forward to become more cost effective and competitive. Looking at the pace with which Jindal Steel and Power has rose to a position of eminence in the steel and energy industry, B2B holds even more importance for the company in the future and has very high future potential. Conclusion Jindal Steel and Power limited can be thus seen as a highly efficient and competitive company, in tune with the latest aspects of the technology and development, possessing at the same time, the wide experience and knowledge of an equally effective and efficient management team. The company is a live example of excellence and perfectionism involving highly competent decision making, planning and execution of the strategies. References * Indias Jindal to setup 1600 MW power plant in Arunachal (2009). Asia Pulse (Internet), 25 November. Available from Accessed 24th November 2009 * Arunachal Pradesh State Industrial Policy (2008), Department of Industries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh (Internet). Available from Accessed 24th November 2009 * Jindal Steel net up 2 fold; announces 550% dividend (2009) Press Trust of India (Internet) 27 May. Available from Accessed 24th November 2009 * Press Trust of India (2009) JSPL files complaint against railways with CCI. Business Standard (Internet) 9 November. Available from Accessed 25th November 2009 * Tata launches Galvanized Steel brand (2009). India Business Insight (Internet) 13 July. Available from Accessed 25th November 2009 * Company Profile ‘Jindal Steel and Power limited (2008). Available from Accessed 24th November 2009 * IRIS Business Service (2008) MSP Steel announces expansion plans (Internet) 13 August. Available from Accessed 25th November 2009 * Reliance Power to set up a hydroelectric power plant in Arunachal Pradesh (2009). India Business Insight (Internet) 30 September. Available from Accessed 25th November 2009 * The Hindu Bureau (2000) O P Jindal group launches portal for steel sector (Internet) 30 September. Available from Accessed 26th November 2009

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Cisco Systems` :: essays research papers

1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The relationship between information systems, Internet Technology and Cisco’s business strategy was quite intriguing. Cisco’s company worked hand in hand directly with the Internet and their IS system was supported by almost 45% by digital means. Their sales were all Internet driven by almost half of their production. 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cisco is a digital firm in the many senses, while John Chambers will adamantly defer the fact that their company relies directly on software (digital) it is my opinion that from viewing on the proceedings it appears to all eyes that their structure is almost 75% if not more digital. Their training, applications, update forms, orders and accessibility options are all based through the Internet or some digital means. 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cisco’s reliance on information systems and the Internet was a great success until about November 2000 when there was the first 10% decline in sales. By December 15 Chambers realized that his ales were going down the drain. Finally in August 2001 Cisco underwent a makeover that changed the way that they depended upon the Internet and IS. Their forecasts were no longer FULLY based upon this information; rather they were used as in centralizing market analysis and finding new methods of technologies to network their company. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cisco reacted so slowly to the deteriorating economic condition because they had continued to aggressively expand and they had also increased their market shares. What really influenced the way Cisco responded to the economic condition was the decline of 2/3’s in the technological advances in the NASDAQ. While other companies were falling around them Cisco stood strong. They continued to pour themselves heart and soul into their company. Nortel Networks – Cisco’s rival fell largely in the market, and they continued to expand. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that Chambers and Cisco could/should have done would have been to pull back on their large â€Å"all-out† pushing the production â€Å"buck†. If Chambers had not have pushed the 600 million dollar contracts for orders of unmade parts and materials I believe that the company would have held stronger.

Monday, November 11, 2019

President Candidates

Michael Brandenburg F. Abraham Macroeconomics 23 October 2011 Six Republican Candidates Mitt Romney solution to our unemployment crises is to have people pay for unemployment insurance like the pay for heath or home insurance. Then the government can use their extra money to help create extra jobs. One of the things that Newt Gingrich wants to do is lower the corporation tax to make the United States more desirable. This will help companies that moved to China to come back to the USA. Michele Bachmann believes that when you take the minimum wage off it will create more jobs.The competitive market will increase the minimum wage on its own while providing more jobs. Rick Perry claims that stimulus money should only be used occasionally not constantly. Another thing he plans on doing is cut taxes so companies can hire more employees. Ron Paul wants to strengthen the dollar value in such so the things we own and sell are worth more. Paul also informs us that when you decrease inflation i t stabilizes the job market. Herman Cain says that people at or below the poverty line should not have to pay income tax.Also he agrees to get rid of minimum wage to promote competition between businesses. Works Cited http://www. sodahead. com/united-states/romney-workers-should-pay-their-own-unemployment-benefits/question-1388133/ http://www. lsureveille. com/bachmann-s-repeal-of-minimum-wage-will-not-fix-economy-1. 2604388 http://offthekuff. com/wp/? p=18061 http://www. nolanchart. com/article4214-ron-paul-could-fix-the-dollar. html http://www. dailykos. com/story/2011/10/21/1028782/-Herman-Cains-fix-to-his-9-9-9-plan:-create-opportunity-zones-of-corporatederegulation

Friday, November 8, 2019

MADAME BOVARY Essays - Films, Madame Bovary, English-language Films

MADAME BOVARY Essays - Films, Madame Bovary, English-language Films MADAME BOVARY - The story starts as we see Charles Bovary entering a new school in the town of Rouen in France. People laugh at him because he isn't sure what to do and how to act. He is the son of a doting mother and a very strict father. Charles isn't sure what to do with his life and therefore does as his mother advices him; to go to medical school. He fails at first because he didn't work for it in class, but the second time he does and he passes the exam and becomes a doctor in the town of Tostes. He is well liked in town because people see him as a hard working man. Because he is still single and his mother thinks he shouldn't be, she arranges a marriage only for the money with an ungly widow, Heloise Dubuc. One day Charles is called to a farm because someone has broken his leg. On the farm he meets Emma Rouault, the daughter of the farm owner. He likes her very much and keeps coming back to her father to check up on his leg, even after his leg has fully healed. They get on very well and they dicide to get married, even with protest of his former wife which dies soon after because of a stroke. They arrange a huge wedding and loads of people are invited to it. They party on for days and days and there's food enough for a whole army. Because his practice isn't where the farmer lives, they return to Tostes. And this is where are the misery starts for Emma. When Charles is out in the country for house visits, Emma just sits at home doing nothing. All she does is read, watch the rain and she used to play the piano, but quit because she feels that nobody listened to her anyway. She hoped to get the love from her husband in the same way that the main characters in the novels she read get love, but that doesn't happen. She is bored to death. She is starting to get irritated by Charles' way of living and the way he behaves sometimes. One day they go to a party of the maquis and there she meets the life that she wants to live. She doesn't want Charles to dance because she feels that it would embarras her and instead dances the night away with a Viscount and meets all the rich. When they return back home, she becomes even more miserable because she misses all those things now. Charles notices this and talks with another doctor and together they conclude that a change of scenery might be good for her and they decide to move to Yonville. At the time that they move, Emma discovers that she is pregnant. In Yonville, life isn't that much different from the life she'd lived before, but now she meets someone who is interested in the same things as she is; Leon Dupuis, a clerk. Emma is now close to giving birth to a baby and she is hoping that it's going to be a boy so that he can be strong and free, but her hopes are lost when it turns out that it is a boy; Berthe. As time passes, Emma continues her life and finds out that she is in love with Leon, but they don't start any relationship. Eventually, Leon moves to Paris to study there and Emma is again left in misery. Rodolphe meets Emma and she really is attracted to her, but in a sexual way; he thinks that Emma is beautiful. He manages to talk Emma into seducing her and it works. Emma starts to get more and more interested in Rodolphe and they start spending more and more time togeter, for example, they go to the agricultural show together. Emma starts meeting him in secret and he even comes to their house where they make love. Rodolphe decides that to keep the love going, he should leave for a few weeks and that's what he does. And it seems to work, because after six weeks, Emma can't wait to see him again. One day when Emma decides to go back to Rodolphe, she passes passed by Bines, who knew that she had nothing to

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Media Technologies

New Media Technologies Introduction The way consumers access information, news and communicate has been greatly changed by the emergence of web 2.0 technologies which incorporate user-generated content and streamlined web design. New media technologies have enhanced users’ active role in communication and information and changed people’s perception of the internet.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on New Media Technologies and Its Role in the Perception of the Internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The new media involve the convergence of media and technology; it is the replacement of analogue technology with the digital one. New media encompass the internet, new video and audio recording, the mobile media and computer gaming (USAID, 2008). Primarily, the functions of the new media were only restricted to entertainment and communication sector but with the advent of new media technology there has been a widespread impact on so cial, economic and political spheres of human life (Berger, 2007). New media technology is defined as any kind of application that is used to transfer information through digital technology. It is interactive and can be transferred by placing it in a compressed data that can be accessed in several markets. The conclusion expounds on digital divide which is a common phenomenon in the digital technology age and seeks to analyze why does the difference occurs, its causes and its effects, whether long-term or short-term. Digital divide is understood as the gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic regions concerning their opportunities to access to information and communication technologies (Hassan Thomas, 2006). The thesis argument is based on this quote, â€Å"with the convergence of the telecommunication, media, and computer industries we are now entering a new phase of media development† (USAID, 2008. P.10). This thesis seeks to explain the idea that dig ital technologies have in the past and succeeding years transformed our world; it explains how new media have informationalised the society. The thesis seeks to justify the fact that the world is undergoing through a technological, cultural, political and economic phase of change that is brought about by the new media. Socioeconomic Impact within our Society A good innovation must be beneficial to the society; it should create room for the following: facilitate change, allow for adaptability, have connection to realization of personal goals, fulfilling of individual activities and careers and it should enhance lifelong learning. The new media technology has both social and economic impact on the contemporary society.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The invention of the World Wide Web (WWW) is considered the turning point of new media technology revolution. World Wide Web is used to transmit information over the computer and it has emerged as a very important tool of communication used in schools, by governments, by companies and almost in every social institution. The new media technology has revolutionized communication since people use the web to communicate, that is, the web is used to distribute information; it is also used as a basis of interaction (Bucy, 2005). New media technology is a key component of business. The web for example is used by the banking industry to serve their customers online. The virtual cash which is a creation of modern media has enhanced the promotional market and hence an actual market for trade. New media have also revolutionized education. The academic achievements of the students have improved due to the use of technology. New media has led to the death of distance. Distance has been eliminated as a factor in communication. The bonding between people working in different parts of the world has been strength ened by enhanced communication brought about by new media. Through the new media, new information and ideas travel faster to all parts of the world. People have access to knowledge and it also enables people to acquire new skills. The convergence of media into internet devices like mobile phones and computers is an indication that people are consuming information and interacting with the news, broadcasts and the entertainment media. New media have united people of all walks of life through social networking sites, wikis and blogs. These have altered the way people interact in the society. The younger generation has for example adopted different various ways of learning and sharing information. Consequently, new media have revolutionized the political sphere of the society. People can share information and ideas through the new media with anonymity. Freedom of expression has been expanded by the new media. This is whereby people have had their rights in criticizing political, educati onal and religious sectors (Berger, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on New Media Technologies and Its Role in the Perception of the Internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Negatively the media has led to the invasion of societal and individual privacy. Pictures and statements which are online can be copied for redistribution. This requires the consumers to take precautions when using digital technology by making their secret codes confidential. There is increase in the population of people with access to internet. This has enabled them to acquire new skills that are needed in order to participate in online based activities which are an indication of increasing social and political involvement. Consequently, the intensification of internet-oriented activism by the use of digital technology has strengthened the role of civil society hence underpinning the potentiality of new media being used as a democratic inst rument. Video games have also been used to influence the social attitudes of the people. It has been used as a popular tool by social activists to raise awareness about social issues facing the society (Larabie, 2011). Consequences of New Media on the Global Economy Location and distance is no longer considered a factor in business decisions. Various business and companies, with the advent of new media are able to organize their shifts based on specific time zones. Companies, through the internet can locate any screen-based activity in any place around the world; they may also get the best skills and productivity around the world. By utilizing the new media technology, companies can transact and perform their duties, for instance, monitoring of stock exchange rate, monitoring the security systems online and the running of call centers which is done online. Through the new media, small companies have managed to provide services and goods or to perform business operations which were t he preserve of big companies. Consequently, companies and consumers can have access to accurate information about prices in international market. This is necessary to curb inflation and to enhance competition on the international market (Bucy, 2005). New media technologies have influenced the way firms are managed and firm’s organizational strategy. This has prompted the adoption of new models. The global economy has been particularly affected by internet, intranet and video conferencing. With the advent of new media, several companies use websites to sell their products.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Importance of Understanding the Impact of New Media Technology The impacts of new media technology is relevant in the sense that it affects the economic, social, political, and cultural spheres of human life. New media technology is dynamic and people may not have all instruments of new media or they may have them but may not have the capacity to use them. Digital divide is a term used to describe the difference between people who use the new media and those who do not access the new media technologies. Understanding new media technology is necessary since there are various aspects of new media and there exists several contentious issues in the new media debate like matters of policy (Bucy, 2005). This argument is reinforced by the associational mode theory of communication. This is a situation where parties in a communication state are attached to a particular group and a specific media based on their shared beliefs (Anon., 2011). Conclusion Digital divide is a common phenomenon in the digital technology era. Digital divide can exist between individuals, countries or cities. It may depend on factors like economic class, education level and the industrial capacity in case of states. Digital divide is a reflection of existing difference between countries. The gap between accessibility and use of latest information and communication technologies is increasingly and alarmingly widening. This is due to the desire of human beings to fully satisfy their basic needs, limited or lack of computer knowledge by some people and also unavailability of funds. In five to 25 years, the narrowing of the digital divide will not have been realized fully. It is acknowledgeable that the gap keeps narrowing with increasing years; this is because the factors responsible for widening the divide are being met at a slower rate. These factors include: the continued expansion of internet access, limited income, age, geographical location and the type of the household. Various governments ’ believe that information is power and hence they are motivated to increase access to information and communication technology for their citizens. There is for governments to invest more in the new media technologies because as the wave of globalization intensifies new media technology are absolutely taking over the interaction of everyday activities. References Anon. (2011). Media theory and theorists. Web. Berger, A.A. (2007). Media and society: a critical perspective (2nd ed). New York, NY: Rowman Littlefield. Bucy, E. (2005). Living in the information age: A new media reader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. Hassan, R Thomas, J. (2006). The new media theory reader. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill International. Larabie, C. (2011). Editorial: A Reflection on the role of new media: From Peer-to-Peer to Protest. The McMaster Journal of Communication, 7(1), pp. 1-10. Web. USAID. (2008). New media and international media development. Pustaka. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Mrs. Fields' Cookies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mrs. Fields' Cookies - Case Study Example Although in the early years, the concentration was rigid on the product lining of the company to market only the cookies, in the later years, with the improvement in the performance, the company started marketing ice-creams and other baked products along with cookies in 14 unparallel flavors and varieties. Incidentally, the company emerged as one of the major players in the sweet snack industry. The company in this virtue expanded its operations in different parts of Japan, Hong Kong and Australia. It was during 1987 when the company initiated the acquisition of a France based bakery and/or sandwich store named as La Petite Boulangerie (LPB). LPB during the period was operating through almost 119 stores scattered in every nook and corner of the country under the corporate head of PepsiCo (Harvard Business School, â€Å"Mrs. Fields' Cookies†). Fields’ Initial Actions upon Acquiring LPB The dimensions of LPB in terms of both product lining and organizational structure wer e largely different from that of Mrs. Fields’, Inc during the period. Therefore, it was quite likely that in the realistic practices both the companies will have unparallel values and objectives as well. In this regard, to transform the objectives and the vision of LPB in order to be similar as that of Mrs. Fields’, certain major changes were enforced which brought about drastic changes in the managerial outlook of the company. For instance, LPB associated more than 53 administrative staffs to control its outlets through various departments from marketing and sales to Research & Development (R&D). But as a result of the acquisition, the number of administrative staffs was reduced to only three as Mrs. Fields’ took control of the overhead functions of LPB, such as the finance department, the human resources department and others. Only the operations and the R&D department were left unchanged (Harvard Business School, â€Å"Mrs. Fields' Cookies†). Reasons t o Initiate These Actions According to Randy Fields, the acquisition was enforced as an expansion tactic due to the fact that LPB dealt with both cookies and various other bakery products to the upscale customers through sit-down cafes. However, as stated by the founders the strategy represented something extra than just expansion, which was treated to be new concept for Mrs. Fields’. It was due to this reason that the stores of Mrs. Fields’ after the acquisition went through a change process in order to obtain a new outlook of a combination store. This combination store thereby would serve both cookies and other bakery products along with ice-creams and deserts. Another reason to attempt the strategic decision of acquiring LPB was the belief of Randy. According to Randy’s perception, Mrs. Fields’ stores were running so vividly that any thing which adapted the brand name would perform well in the targeted market. Consequently, the then market analysis also depicted that the popularity of the quality baked products are somewhat resistant to the economic fluctuations. This in turn encouraged the founders to undertake the risk of acquisition and reformation. The in-depth cause of acquiring LPB was to incur a larger profit than Mrs. Fields’ could gain separately (Harvard Business

Saturday, November 2, 2019


PROGRESSING DEVELOPMENT IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - Essay Example In some situations the person may make a rigid determination not to eat. In some cases malnutrition might have taken place before such older people are admitted to the hospital. However, in some cases malnutrition may be a result of suboptimal gerontological care and management, medical or surgical interventions, the psychosocial effect of hospitalisation or a lack of proactive, therapeutic personcentred interventions purpose at promoting adequate food and nutrition.  An identified caused of malnutrition in older adult is the loss of f feeding abilityy which is a common problem for older adults (Kolodny & Malek 1991, Kayser-Jones 1992, Herne 1995, Kayser-Jones & Schell 1997a, Berry & Marcus 2000) especially those with dementia (Watson 2002, Manthorpe & Watson 2003); With cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, malnutrition is unavoidable. Such older adults do not have the cognitive ability to initiate or continue effective feeding strategies. I n contrast the older person with neuromotor disorders, such as stroke or Parkinson’s disease, may cognitively manage feeding but might not have the neuromotor skills to help chew or swallow effectively.  Moreover , the older people living in retirement and nursing homes need other support, including help with dressing, defecation and help with eating. The residents in the nursing homes need extensive nursing care and medical care as they may have diseases such as cancer, stroke sequelae or severe dementia (Hedin, 1993).   . Several studies show risk of malnutrition between 30% and 38% (Visvanathan et al. 2003); in older people (>65 years) who had recently moved to a residential home. However the problem of malnutrition still persists among older people living at home, who need help, as shown by the percentage of 3.5% reported by Thorslund et al (199). Alternatively 33–37% would be at risk of malnourished when they move home (Wikby et al. 2006).   Analysis   As we age, it is more important to look into our health and well being and the the prevention of malnutrition should be taken seriously among older people with dementia. It is much easier to prevent malnutrition among older people, rather than treating them after they have become ill from it, (Larsson et al. 1990, Payette 2005). Patients who receive information about the need for protein and energy intake and are active i have an increased intake (Pedersen 2005).   l. Malnutrition can have consequences both on the individuals affected and the carers by causing morbidity, hospital admission, delayed discharge and an increased dependence on social care and next of kin ( Van Nes et al. 2001 ).   Risk factors identified for malnutrition in earlier international studies are diseases (Beck et al. 1999, Payette 2005, Alberda et al. 2006, Chen et al. 2007), to much medications, low functional status (Payette 2005) symptoms of depression. Additionally, involuntary weight loss among older pe ople was associated with disease (Callen & Wells 2005, Payette 2005), inadequate nutrient intake and consequences for health (Payette 2005).  In 2001, a concept analysis of malnutrition in older people was first published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, in which the critical attributes of malnutrition in older people were identified to include insufficient dietary intake, muscle wasting, weight loss, poor appetite and downward trajectory.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

MidTerm Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MidTerm - Term Paper Example The language of the text appears to reflect typical speech patterns of a relatively wealthy and educated woman of that time, as is evident in the opening lines, written in the first person, which refer to antiquated concepts such as â€Å"ancestral halls† which have â€Å"something queer† about them (Gilman 1). The descriptive adjectives that the narrator uses to describe the setting are sensuous and exuberant, such as for example the â€Å"delicious† garden (Gilman 1) and the yellow wallpaper which has â€Å"one of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin† (Gilman 2). This sharp power of observation contrasts with the narrator’s vague and hesitant mention of things to do with her husband’s medical work, such as for example the phrase â€Å"So I take phosphates or phosphites – whichever it is†. The narrator describes without irony how her husband calls her â€Å"a blessed little goose,† and the co mbination of her diffidence and his patronizing tone reveals that there is a clear hierarchy within the marriage. John dominates his wife, and she accepts infantilizing epithets as if it they are entirely natural and normal. At times the narrator uses strongly moral or even biblical language, as for example when she describes the wall-paper’s patchy appearance which shows it has been picked off despite the fact that it â€Å"sticketh closer than a brother† (Gilman 3). As the story progresses, the wallpaper assumes an increasingly powerful control over the narrator, and this is revealed in the compulsion that she feels to â€Å"follow that pointless pattern† (Gilman 4) which is endlessly repeated on the wall. Strange female forms appear in the pattern, as if they are trapped behind bars, and the subject matter of the latter half of the story is taken over by musings on the meaning of the paper, and its shifting appearance as the light changes from day to night. T he implications of this point of view are that the story represents the fate of women in general, imprisoned in marital obligation, and not allowed to escape into the fresh air of the world outside patriarchal dominance. As the wallpaper takes over the story, the narrator’s own personality retreats, so that in the end the subject matter is mainly the nocturnal musings of a woman who is losing her sense of self. The narratorial point of view does not change, since the whole story is told through the eyes of the main character, but as the story progresses the subject matter becomes more bizarre. The narrator is becoming one of the imprisoned women in the pattern, and the story shows the step by step descent into this pitiful condition. Clearly the narrator is unaware of the seriousness of this mental decline, since she makes light of the change in her daily routine, and imagines that she sees the woman in the paper creeping about outside the house. This is not a rational propos ition, but it is presented as a factual observation by the narrator, and no doubt makes sense to her. The narrator persona shifts from being an apparently normal woman, who has a vivid imagination and likes writing stories, into an unreliable describer of events. The growing unreliability of the narrative voice makes the ending very difficult to interpret, because there appears to be an element of delusion or

Monday, October 28, 2019

Martin Luther King speech Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King speech Essay I think Martin Luther King’s speech make the strongest argument when Martin Luther King once said, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. This saying rang towards the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to the eager, listening ears of people who wanted reform. August 28, 1963, marked the day when Martin Luther King Jr. had changed more than just Washington. More than America. He had envisioned a life where everyone would be considered equal, and everyone would prosper. He had begun to change the world. This historic event took place 48 years ago, and many alterations in society have occurred since then. If Martin Luther King Jr. had never been born, however, racism and segregation would still exist and even burgeon. Martin Luther King Jr. was the exemplar for civil rights, the paragon of justice. Without him, life would be malevolent for me, an Indian from the hot, arid land where the Ganges runs free and nature is all-abundant. There would be no variety in America. The majority would constantly rule over the minority and tensions would erupt. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the minority a voice of reason and hope. When King spoke, he reached peoples hearts and minds at the same time. He dug down deep into issues of racial discrimination and presented alternatives of love and equality. Racists struck down his ideas, but others were moved and worked to better society as he wished. King was a loving man, one that wished people would listen and follow him but he did not force them. If Martin Luther King had never been born we would have never been able to, as a nation, act as a role model to help these countries on their quest to become industrialized nations. America would become full of arrogance, and we would not participate in national affairs with an open mind. The Declaration of Independence, a document which we hold in our hearts so fervently, summarizes Martin Luthers Kings purpose in life: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. Today, all men are indeed created equal, but would that have been recognized without this man who went against the norms of society and rose in the ranks

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Discrimination is unfair treatment

Discrimination is unfair treatment Introduction Discrimination is nothing, but an unfair treatment against a person or group of people based on prejudice (Oxford Concise Dictionary). This would imply discriminating people on the basis of their gender, race, religion, caste, class, age, disability, migration, genetic disposition, physical appearance, etc etc. Discrimination at workplaces among gender is a matter of serious concern for organizations all over India. Talking about gender biases, women in India still remain the largest group that faces discrimination in workplaces. Even in todays world, women comprise of only 2 per cent of the total managerial strength in the Indian corporate sector. While more and more women are joining the corporate, with better salaries and even at senior levels, their pay equity compared with their male counterparts is still a disappointment. Discrimination at workplaces can come from any of the sides, whether be from the employers or the employee itself. When we talk about the employee itself, we take into consideration the way new employees are treated or welcomed by the existing ones. The effect of this may last for a long time, if not amongst them, but in the organization, as this could be seen in the form of negative feedback one may get in return of his work. Discrimination leads to psychological and emotional disturbances leading to demoralization which further affects the performance and the standard of work output. It is so truly said that discrimination results in the wastage of human resources and their talent. This is mostly seen with women. Man and woman play an important and equal role in the society. In India from centuries it has been noticed that women are and considered an oppressed class and are neglected. During the national struggle for independence, Gandhi gave a call of emancipation of women. He wrote -: I am uncompromising in the matter of womens rights. The difference in sex and physical form denotes no difference in status. Woman is the complement of man, and not inferior. The constitution of India declares that all are equal in front of the law. Gender inequality can also be termed as gender bias, which refers to the differences made among individuals based on their gender, that is, male and female or girl and boy. Initially this problem was seen in rural India as people considered a girl child a burden on them, but now this is also seen in urban India in areas such as offices, organizations, institutions, society etc etc. The gender inequality in the workplace is one of the high rated issues that have been publicly ringing through society for years. It refers to the hidden disparities among individual based on gender performance which is seen towards women. In order to identify this situation we must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand sociological factors that cause women to have much more difficult times getting the same wages, profits and job opportunities as their male complements. The society in which we live right now have been shaped patriarchal for centuries. Before the industrial revolution most people worked in and near their homes, whether they were involved in farming or making clothes or pottery. In certain situations one would notice men going to far off places like towns or cities for work and a better wage, but women on the other hand have always continued to be there at home and carry on the work of her and her husbands share ( when he is not around ). But this situation changed when modern industry appeared in the late 19th century, which saw a drastic separation between home and workplace. In terms of employment as well as promotion in work and occupation, women often face greater handicap than men. Women are, and have been, entering the workplace in rapid numbers. Evidence shows that middle and upper class women are prospering even though discrimination is prevailing in the society. When talking about the women in the workplace, often the term glass-ceiling is used referring to the imaginary career barrier that seemingly impedes a womans ability to rise to the top ranks. Even though there has been a diminishing gender gap in labour forces as women are entering work, literature shows that gender discrimination still persists in Indian workplaces. As anthropologist Gayle Rubin (1975:178) said, a taboo against the sameness of men and women (divides) the sexes into two mutually exclusive categories (and) thereby creates gender. It has been seen that men usually enjoy certain benefits without having worked for them, which a women doesnt just because they are males. The word gender in itself signifies the advantage males have over females (Acker 1990:146; 1999; Britton 2000; Risman 1998). It is the societies who create and maintain the gender differences and these can be seen in a number of ways. Division of work according to sexes is a fundamental concept of work which is brought about by organizational practices ( Acker 1999; Ely and Meyerson 2000; Ridgeway and Smith Lovin 1999) HISTORY Initially it was seen in India that women were not treated equally and fairly in comparison to their male counterparts. They were deprived of a lot of facilities and were not given the privilege of education, work, owe property or even vote. It was believed that women were meant to stay at home, raise the children, serve the family and carry out all the domestic household work. But during the 1800s efforts were made for the first time to bring about equality amongst gender. In the early part of this century coeducation started at least at the university level and laws were made to bring about equality. From then things have improved but still discrimination and unequal treatment against women persists THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK The fundamental explanatory theories for gender inequality are as follows: Human capital theory Socialization Overt discrimination The dual labour market HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY Human capital theories attribute gender inequality and occupational segregation to lower education and skill levels found among women ( Estevez-Abe 2005: 184). In other words, it means that, people with more skills, knowledge, experience etc etc are more likely to get better jobs. It has been noticed that women normally end up in part time jobs or less desirable jobs as compared to men, meaning jobs that demand less skills. According to this theory, women invest less in education and formal training in comparison to men because of traditional family role (Ibid, 351) which are to raise the children, serve the family and carry out the household work (Becker 1982 cited in Estevez-Abe 2005:184). Also, this theory suggests, that women avoid fields where there are rapid changes such as technological, innovative changes. Literature shows that those occupations requiring less investment of time, money and training are now the ones with lower returns and female based (Marini 1989: 352; Rosenf eld 1984:57). Human capital theory also says that the extent to which an individual will differ in the variables such as prior experience, hours of working, education, knowledge, marital status, etc etc, their worth in the labour market will be affected in return. No matter even if a woman has same qualifications, experience and are at the same position to that of a man in opposite still she earns less in comparison to him (Padavic and Reskin 2002). SOCIALIZATION Socialization also helps in explaining gender inequality. Theories based on socialization say that it is through childhood and the way they socially interact that the individuals place is determined in the society or workplace (Tomaskovic Devey 1993: 8). According to this theory, it is the society who sets out the appropriate roles and occupations for an individual (Rosenfeld 1984:57). In other words, men and women accept the roles based on gender laid out by the society for them. They also value them as thats what they learn through socialization over a period of time. These roles are mostly the rules, norms and regulations of a society (Konrad, Corrigal, Lieb Ritchie 2000: 109). This also affects the way one conducts himself or herself and his or her ambitions leading to division of labour where women specialize in household and family activities and men in occupation and market. They way one socializes as a child plays a very important role in shaping his future and career life. Socialization has a very important and predominant role in an individuals life. It is the socially constructed norms and values of the society that brings about gender inequality in workplaces as well. No matter how modern one may be, he still has to stay in a society and follow its rules and regulations. If he tries to change or go against them consequences that follow are not desirable and of choice OVERT DISCRIMINATION Progression has been of no good to women when it comes to the way they are treated at workplaces. Overt and covert discrimination continues to affect them in workplaces. Much of the treatment is covert but then one cannot deny the fact that overt also continues. Here (overt discriminating treatment) one sees how the men especially the White men are dominant in the society making the rules and regulations. They have an upper hand and advantage in the labour market. Women pose a treat to these White men (Reskin 1988). Evidence show that how historically White men used labour unions to exclude women from well paying jobs THE DUAL LABOUR MARKET According to the dual labour market theory, men and women earn different incomes because they work in different segments of the labour market. Women are mostly found working in the areas which comprise of low incomes and benefits. Therefore, equal pay for equal work is just a principle which only applies to a very handful of people as women are never engaged in equal work. According to the dual labour market theory the market is divided into two markets namely the primary market and the secondary market. In the primary labour market, jobs are relatively stable, wages are also good and opportunities for advancement exist. Basically primary jobs are found in large organizations as they comprise of more stable jobs, better working environment and benefits. Example of this would mean working in a MNC under the management head. On the other hand, secondary markets are the ones having few turnovers, small profits, not many stable jobs and also poor working environment. Example of this would be working a serving person in a fast food restaurant. These are short time or part time jobs. Under this theory one sees that most of the women would be employed in the secondary labour market and not the primary labour market. The primary labour market itself is divided into two tiers the first tier and the second tier. The first tier consists of high status professional and organizational jobs with more autonomy whereas on the other hand second tier consists of the working class with less autonomy such as semi skilled blue collar jobs. Women are found in large percentages under the informal sector of the labour market where there is a wide wage gap and low or no benefits. People or companies would hire such people in an under the table manner which would have no records of them and also not pay them their profit share. Under this theory it is also said that men and women are employed in different occupations and if they were in the same occupation then they would be doing different jobs. This is called occupation segregation LITERATURE According to Joanne Naiman, men are considered breadwinners and womens place is at home (Joanne Naiman 1997: 250-51). This viewpoint is not surprising as history shows how it is the men who have been the policy makers and shape the society as they perceive and want it. They have always been dominating the society. For example in Joanne Naimans book, there is an excerpt from Gustave Le Bonne, a Parisian in 1879, in which he openly compared most of the female brains with that of gorillas and stated the inferiority (of women) is so obvious that no one can contest it for the moment; only its degree is worth discussing. (Quoted in Joanne Naiman 1997: 250). Another instance can be traced from Carol Travis book titled The Mismeasurement Of Woman where she states that left hemisphere of the brain deals with intelligence and reasoning and right on the other hand with passion, sex and other such similar concepts. It was said that men were considered to have an advanced or better left brain in comparison to women. But later some where in the 1960s and 70s scientists found out that it was the right hemisphere of the brain that was source of intelligence, imagination, reasoning, creativity etc etc and men had more of this brain now (Carol Tavris 1992:48). Both the above citations clearly show that how society would see women to be inferior to men and not smart enough to carry out jobs which would deal with thinking and reasoning and these were the main causes as why women were not treated equally at workplaces. It was because of these mindsets that women were not given the freedom to work and if they were to work, they had to always prove themselves worthy in comparison to men at every step and were not treated equally. This could be in the form of them not getting the equal pay as her male colleague or not promoted or anything for that matter. Ergo, puts the viewpoint across and says that all those jobs which need supervision are female jobs such as a nurse, secretary, receptionists etc etc. To show this point he uses the case story (Mustapha Koc 1999) where Mary, the wife, was given the responsibility and job of a secretary and accountant of the family business and her husband was the boss. Even though they husband and wife, still they did not share the responsibilities that they could have of the family business in the office. This was because the society had outlined the role and position for Mary. Because of the norms and rules of the society Mary had to quit her job from the bank as she had children now and had to become a housewife. This is another example as to how women are not treated equally in workplace and society. Theodore Caplow (The Sociology of Work, 1954) identifies the reasons as to what make it difficult for women to compete with men in the general labour markets. The reasons mentioned are Womens primary role and social status as housewife and mother, the secondary economic role of women as family breadwinners / providers, the large number of women in society for whom paid employment was as option, rather than a necessity and the historical (cultural) domination of the workplace by men. Walby in the similar lines of that of Caplow but in greater emphasis argues that male domination in workplace has created a cultural setting in which women play a largely peripheral role. It is clearly seen in our everyday lives how women are asked to take care of the households, family and children. How she has to quit from her job when her children are born and how it is all her duty to bring up the children along with taking care of the others at home. How as a child they asked to play with dolls and some sort of indoor games called house house or teacher teacher. While playing these games how they would treat their dolls as if they were her children and take care of them. At school asked to take extra curricular activities involving subjects like home science, stitching, nursing. It is very clearly visible how women are not treated equality to men and this brings about gender inequality. As Haralambos (Themes and Perspectives) notes a point: Women face a number of disadvantages in paid work. Firstly, they tend to be lower paid than men. Secondly, they are more-likely to be in part-time work. Thirdly, they tend to concentrated in the lower reaches of the occupations in which they work. Fourthly, women tend to do particular types of jobs, usually those with low status. Media also has a major role in this. It also lets subjects or categorises womens role to household. Most of the household advertisements are also accounted towards women and any with power, authority, position, strength toward men. This also shapes the role of men and women. Societies have shaped the role of a women to such a limitation that even if she gets a job by going against the norms of the society, she would not be able to go far in her career. The reason for this would be that the society will not be able to see a women doing better and at a better position that men. About 75 percent of the jobs in the well paying professions are held by men and even if women are able to get equal jobs as men they still get paid considerably less (David Bender and Bruno Leone 1989: 75). For that matter one sees that certain jobs of women are such manipulated and are of a certain standard of measurement when they do not get maternal leaves from companies they are employed in (David Bender and Bruno Leone 1989: 74). Once they have left their job it becomes very hard for them to get back to the professional ladder. But when we talk about inequality amongst gender in workplace, this could also be for the fact that there are certain job positions that could only be filled by certain genders, such as army officers. Even though there has been a number of movements that are trying to get rid of this inequality and some have also been successful but this has also shown a downfall in the society by the number of rape, sexual harassment, verbal violence, etc cases at workplaces which puts a doubt in the minds of women and are made to think twice if they should even take up that job and position. Religion and culture also say that the roles of men are different from that of women. Mankind has taught that men are superior to women ( Babara Kantowitz 1986). This notion is taught to all from a very early age normally which have lead people to think and believe that males are better than women, therefore, should get better job opportunities and no compromise should be made in this aspect. This gender inequality ahs always been there and still continues to exists. THE CONCEPT OF A DUAL ROEL OR DOUBLE SHIFT Barron and Norris argue that men can work in both the sectors, be it primary or secondary, but they are most likely to be found in the primary sector in contrast to women, who are found mostly in the secondary sector. This is because women are more likely to take up jobs where you are paid less and that are flexible in nature. This observation relates to the idea that women tend to have a dual role. Dual role can be expressed in the way that bringing up the child is primary and supplementing family income is secondary. It based on the primary role for women as to where and when can they work. This further affects the market situation for men. It is for this reason and fact that women work in secondary sectors. It is because of the reason mentioned above that women are not generally able to commit themselves in a long term careers. The general structure of womens lives is less well adapted to the demands of professional employment. In history it has been seen as an evidence that how for a variety of reasons women had been less organized than men in the workplace (especially in relation to Trade Union organization and membership) and how, therefore, more-easily dismissed or made redundant than men.